
Showing posts from 2019

Leaving Facebook and Why

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know on a venue separate from Facebook, that I plan to leave that social media site in the near future.   It has been one of my main forms of communication over the past several years and there are things I absolutely love about it.  It is an easy way to stay in touch with friends and family far away. However, there are some things that cause me great concern about it as well. CENSORSHIP- They have now come to place of deciding what is proper material to print and post and many of my friends have had their opinions blocked or even their accounts blocked for expressing Christian views. PRIVACY VIOLATIONS and DATA SCANNING - We all know they are getting as much information about us as they possibly can, and selling our private information to the highest bidder NEW GLOBAL CURRENCY connected to Facebook - See link below to hear Steve Cioccolanti's message about this I joined an...

Beauty for Ashes

Recently in a ministry time in Kansas City during one of my classes, the instructor asked us to just wait and ask the Lord to show us something.   The first thing I saw was a poppy.  You know the fake kind, like the veteran's give out for donations and you hang from your rear view mirror.  At least my mom always did that. I wondered "Why a poppy?" and then the next picture that came to mind was one that I had recently seen on facebook.  My friends Smitty and Donna Brewer had gone to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day and posted this incredible picture of poppies that overlooked the fields where so many had died for our freedom and the deliverance of the world from a horrible dictator. I found out later through researching this that poppies were prevalent in the fields because disasters and wars had unearthed buried poppy seeds from decades before.  It was the bombs, and the digging of trenches and even the burial of their dead soldiers that c...